
Necesita Ayuda Legal En 西班牙语?

The 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球 does not review requests for legal assistance in person or over the telephone. To ask the ACLU for legal assistance, you can write a letter (see instructions below) or fill out our online form.

To send a request by letter, send your letter to:

303 E. 17日大街.350套房
丹佛,CO 80203

Please limit your correspondence to 2-3 pages; do not send original documents by mail as these will not be returned.

Be sure to include your mailing address, e-mail address (if available), 电话号码, and DOC number (if applicable). If you write from a county jail or other temporary facility, please include the name and contact information of a close relative or friend who will always know 在哪里 you are.

在你的信中, please describe in detail the incident or the issue that prompts you to request legal assistance:

  • In describing the incident, it may be helpful to answer the five “W” questions: who, 什么, 当, 在哪里, 为什么.
  • Be sure to identify the persons, 企业, 机构, or 政府ernment agencies who are responsible for violating your rights.
  • If the offending person or agency provided you with some sort of explanation, please let us know. If possible, please explain why you believe that explanation is not adequate.
  • If the specific incident resulted in newspaper coverage, it may be helpful to include copies of the clippings.
  • If you have documents, please send copies only; we cannot return originals.
  • If your complaint involves mistreatment by police officers, it is especially helpful if you could obtain a copy of 什么ever report the police wrote.
  • If you have already taken some action, such as filing an appeal or a complaint, please let us know the status of the matter.
  • Please indicate whether the ACLU is authorized to write a letter of inquiry or a letter of protest using your name.
  • Finally, please let us know 什么 you are asking the ACLU to do for you.

请注意. The 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球 generally does not accept the following types of cases:

  • 家庭法. The 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球 generally does not provide assistance in family law cases involving disputes about divorces, 孩子的监护权, 父母的时间, 或探视.
  • Denial of 政府ernment benefits. The ACLU is unlikely to challenge a specific case of the denial of 政府ernment benefits, such as worker’s compensation, 失业, 社会保障, 或者食品券.
  • Landlord-tenant disputes. The ACLU does not generally get involved in disputes between tenants and their private landlords unless the issue involves discrimination prohibited by statute or ordinance.
  • 刑事辩护. The ACLU generally does not provide criminal defense attorneys to persons who are accused of crimes. 有一个例外, 然而, 当 the alleged criminal activity clearly implicates a constitutional right such as freedom of speech. 因此, the ACLU is unlikely to provide criminal defense to someone charged with burglary, even if the person asserts that the evidence was obtained in a search that violates the Fourth Amendment. 另一方面, the ACLU would consider assisting in the criminal defense of persons arrested for participating in a demonstration, if the arrests infringed on the right of free expression.
  • Challenges to convictions or prison sentences. It is very unlikely that the ACLU would provide an attorney to challenge a person’s criminal conviction or the length of a prison sentence. 类似的, the ACLU will not be able to help prisoners who believe that the length of their sentence has been calculated incorrectly. If a pending appeal raises an important constitutional issue, the ACLU may submit an amicus brief in the appellate courts. Requests for amicus briefs should come from your appellate attorney.
  • Complaints about attorneys. The ACLU does not handle complaints about a person’s current court-appointed attorney.
  • 就业. The ACLU usually cannot help 当 employees believe that they were fired unjustly or were otherwise treated unfairly at work. This is especially true 当 the employer is a private company rather than a 政府ernment agency. But 当 workers can show that they were fired or mistreated because of their race, 性别, 种族背景, 宗教, disability or any other basis that violates anti-discrimination statutes, there is stronger legal protection. 在这种情况下, we ask that you pursue your complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Division (CCRD) before you send a letter to the 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球. For information about filing a complaint with the CCRD, go to or call the agency at 303-894-2997.
  • 太旧的箱子. There are time deadlines for initiating most legal actions. If the incident occurred too far in the past, it may be too late for a legal remedy. The 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球 cannot provide advice about 什么 time deadlines may apply to your particular legal matter.